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  1. Roof box
  2. Daihatsu
Daihatsu roof box


How to choose an Daihatsu roof box ?

Load capacity on the roof of your Daihatsu

coffre de toit 1000 litres Daihatsu

First, check your vehicle manual for the roof's load capacity. In general, this load capacity varies from 50 to 100kg for a passenger car, and goes up to 200kg for some vans.

In addition to the weight of luggage, please also take into account the weight of the roof box and supports (e.g. roof bars) in the total load that the roof of your Daihatsu will have to support.

Roof boxes Daihatsu : For what uses ?

A good roof box for Daihatsu is one that suits your needs, your usage objectives. Is it just for vacations? Winter or summer vacation? If not, is it for frequent (vs. occasional) use? What do you plan to store in it ?

Choosing the right roof box length for Daihatsu

coffre de toit grande taille Daihatsu

The length of a roof box Daihatsu varies from 1m to over 2m. If a long roof box is suitable for storing large objects (e.g. skis or snowboards), it should be in keeping with the size of your Daihatsu, especially if it's a city car. In fact, a roof boxe that protrudes from the front of the roof means wind resistance, air noise and higher fuel consumption. Conversely, a roof box positioned too far back can interfere with the opening of your car's trunk.

Choosing the right roof box volume for your Daihatsu

coffre de toit voiture 500l

As a reminder, a large suitcase is around 200 liters, while a travel bag is more like 100 liters. So it's best not to choose a roof box that's too small ;-)

Roof boxes for Daihatsu generally range from 200 to 500 liters.

In our roof box catalog, you can also choose between a 400l, 500l or 300l roof box for your Daihatsu,

Here's a tip to make the most of your Daihatsu roof box: stow luggage of different sizes to fill the gaps between larger items and smaller ones. Have a great vacation!

Choosing the right opening/locking system for a roof box for your Daihatsu

coffre de toit voiture, coffre de toit pas cher

There are several types of opening: from the rear or from the side, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Rear-loading trunks offer greater safety in the event of incorrect closure (aerodynamics help keep the trunk closed within a certain limit), but are impractical for filling the front of the trunk (unless you have small hands!).

  • Depending on the roof box Daihatsu with side opening, opening is either unilateral (left or right only), or bilateral (left and right, as desired). These are no small matters when you need to access the contents of the roof box in a tight parking space.

To protect your belongings, opt for rigid (vs. flexible or textile) safes fitted with a multi-point key lock, as the lock automatically locks in several places in the safe. Isn't technology great?

Some systems allow you to remove the key from the roof box only when it's in the closed position, to avoid forgetting it. Practical, isn't it?

Select the type of roof box mounting for Daihatsu

Before installing a trunk on the roof of your Daihatsu, you'll need a secure means of securing the trunk to your roof!

Two types of support come into play: roof rails (generally already installed on a factory-built Daihatsu; visible or flush, for aesthetic and aerodynamic reasons) and crossbars (i.e. the famous roof bars).

While the rails run along the roof from front to rear (in the vehicle's direction of travel ), the crossbars run perpendicular to the vehicle's direction of travel, attach to the roof rails and are the real support for the roof box. If you don't have roof rails, don't panic: roof crossbars are available without rails.

So, if you've got the roof rails, you're ready to install the carefully chosen roof box on your Daihatsu. However, please bear in mind the following precautions...



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